
VIP家政公司 2023-08-28 14:55
【摘要】Guangdong Province Home Service Industry Standard第一章 总则Chapter One General Provisions第一条 为了维护家政服务市场秩序,保护消费者合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国行政法》、《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》等法律、法规的规定,制定本标准。Article 1 In order to maintain the order of the home service market and protect the legiti...

Guangdong Province Home Service Industry Standard

第一章 总则

Chapter One General Provisions

第一条 为了维护家政服务市场秩序,保护消费者合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国行政法》、《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》等法律、法规的规定,制定本标准。

Article 1 In order to maintain the order of the home service market and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, this standard is formulated in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Law of the People's Republic of China, the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations.

第二条 本标准适用于全国各地家政服务市场,包括家政服务提供者和消费者。

Article 2 This standard is applicable to the home service market in all parts of the country, including home service providers and consumers.

第三条 家政服务提供者应当遵守本标准,提供优质的家政服务,维护消费者的合法权益。

Article 3 Home service providers shall abide by this standard, provide high-quality home service and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.


Guangdong Province Home Service Industry Standard


In accordance with the relevant regulations of the Standard Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations on the Administration of the Standards of the People's Republic of China, and after being examined and approved by the Standardization Committee of Guangdong Province, the Guangdong Province Home Service Industry Standard is now promulgated and shall come into force as of January 1, 2020.


I. Definition


Home Service Industry: refers to enterprises, institutions, units and individual operators engaged in home service, including but not limited to cleaning service, family service, cleaning service, confinement nanny service, baby care service, elderly service, escort service, energy-saving renovation service, home appliance maintenance service, home decoration service, etc.


II. Service Contents


1. Cleaning Service: including indoor and outdoor cleaning, carpet cleaning, glass cleaning, pipeline dredging, pest control, garbage cleaning, etc.


2. Family Service: including family cleaning, family cooking, family sewing, family maintenance, family nursing, etc.


3. Cleaning Service: including corridor cleaning, public area cleaning, laundry service, home care, etc.


4. Confinement Nanny Service: including confinement meals, confinement care, confinement health, confinement massage, confinement games, etc.


5. Baby Care Service: including infant and toddler care, infant and toddler diet, infant and toddler games, infant and toddler education, etc.


6. Elderly Service: including elderly home care, elderly rehabilitation, elderly nursing, elderly pension, etc.


7. Escort Service: including escort companion, escort health, escort travel, escort activities, etc.


8. Energy-saving Renovation Service: including energy-saving equipment installation, energy-saving renovation, energy-saving maintenance, etc.


9. Home Appliance Maintenance Service: including home appliance testing, home appliance maintenance, home appliance cleaning, etc.


10. Home Decoration Service: including home decoration design, home decoration construction, home decoration maintenance, etc.


Guangdong Province Home Service System Standard


The "Guangdong Province Home Service System Standard" (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) is jointly formulated by the Guangdong Provincial Economic and Information Commission, the Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Commission and the Guangdong Provincial Civil Affairs Bureau. This standard applies to the home service system of home service institutions and their home service personnel in Guangdong Province.


I. Definition

1. 家政服务:指以满足家庭的生活服务需求为主要内容,以家庭经济实力为根据,以家居管理、家庭护理、护理保健服务、家政服务等为基本内容的服务活动。

1. Home service: refers to the service activities mainly to meet the needs of family life, based on the economic strength of the family, with home management, family care, health care services, home services and other basic contents.

2. 家政服务机构:指从事家政服务活动的机构,包括家政公司、家政服务中心、家政服务站等。

2. Home service institution: refers to the institution engaged in home service activities, including home service companies, home service centers, home service stations, etc.

3. 家政服务人员:指从事家政服务活动的专业人员,包括家政服务员、家政护理员、家政管家等。

3. Home service personnel: refers to professional personnel engaged in home service activities, including home service attendants, home care attendants and home stewards.


II. Home Service Institutions

1. 家政服务机构应当具备家政服务资质,并取得家政服务许可证。

1. Home service institutions should have home service qualifications and obtain home service licenses.

2. 家政服务机构应当建立和完善家政服务体系,包括服务质量管理体系、服务安全管理体系、服务流程管理体系等。

2. Home service institutions should establish and perfect home service system, including service quality management system, service safety management system, service process management system, etc.


III. Home Service Personnel

1. 家政服务人员应当具备职业技能,掌握家政服务技能,并取得家政服务资格证书。

1. Home service personnel should have professional skills, master home service skills, and obtain home service qualification certificates.

2. 家政服务人员应当掌握家政服务知识,包括法律法规、家政服务技能、服务安全知识等。

2. Home service personnel should master home service knowledge, including laws and regulations, home service skills, service safety knowledge, etc.


Guangdong Province Home Service System Standard

《广东省家政服务体系标准》(以下简称《标准》)是根据国家家政服务行业标准《家政服务体系标准》(GB/T 33001-2016)制定的。本标准规定了家政服务体系的组织结构、管理职责、服务质量管理、服务安全管理、服务费用核算及结算等内容。

The Guangdong Province Home Service System Standard (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) is formulated in accordance with the National Home Service Industry Standard Home Service System Standard (GB/T 33001-2016). This standard specifies the organization structure, management responsibilities, service quality management, service safety management, service fee accounting and settlement of home service system.


上一篇 :哪里学空调修理
